Eligibility Criteria

1. Direct relationship with Perpetrator

Candidates for support must have a direct relationship with a person that may cause serious mental or physical harm to themselves or others

2. Who made report

Candidates for support are victim witnesses who made or are making the report

3. Official Authority Engagement 

Report has to be made to an official authority or mental health agency
         a. Support can also be provided to assist in making this report

4. Time since report

Report has to be made within the last 5 years

5. Offence type

Offences in report cause mental harm of a serious nature or physical harm to oneself or others

6. Request for Services

All request for services must be made via an official authority in the form of a referral regarding an individual who fits the criteria noted above. The only exception is meeting an individual at a local station to support them as they file the initial report if a local volunteer is available to do so.  An individual can ask for and / or approve a referral from an official authority they are working with who can email us a summary to be submitted for board approval and the means to make contact if approved by the victim. Counseling, and psychiatric referrals do not require individuals to be named. We would only require a summary of the situation to determine if it fits criteria for mental health referrals. If approved we would fund counseling sessions directly to the licensed professional without the need for the patient to be named unless the patient desires to name themselves. 


The Board makes all final decisions on candidate selection based on available resources

About us

Our mission is to support unspoken victims brave enough to speak up at all cost to stop someone they love or care for from causing pain to themselves or another

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